WrestleMania is a professional wrestling event produced annually between mid-March and mid-April by WWE, an American professional wrestling promotion based in Stamford, Connecticut. WWE first produced the event in 1985 and has since produced 37 editions, with the most recent set to take place in Orlando, Florida on April 10-11, 2021. WrestleMania, WWE's flagship event, airs on pay-per-view (PPV) and the WWE Network and is the most successful and longest-running professional wrestling event in history. It contributes to the worldwide commercial success of WWE through media, merchandise, and shows. WrestleMania was conceptualized by WWE owner Vince McMahon, while long time WWE ring announcer and Hall of Famer Howard Finkel is credited with devising the name "WrestleMania" in 1984. WWE Wrestlemania will begin at 7 p.m. ET with the show expected to last approximately three hours, not counting the kickoff show, which starts one hour prior to the main card at 6 p.m. CBS Sports ...